Hope For Humanity
House Numbers
House Numbers
Surely naming homes is a tradition from the heart of British history. It started by nobility who named their great estate. Now, soon after, tradesmen and merchants followed by naming their homes as related to their trades, such as Mill House or Forge Cottage. As this became a tradition, many others joined in and began naming their houses after features unique to their property, places such as Oak Cottage, Rose Cottage, and Meadow View.
Gradually, house names started showing personal memories and inspirations. Some named theirs after prior uses of the property— The Barn or The Old Schoolhouse, for example—while others took their favorite holiday spots as names: Ambleside or Santorini.
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For instance, names might be inspired by features of the house itself – Red Gables, Two Chimneys, Grey Tiles. The views from the property could also play their part, with River View and Mountain View among the names chosen.
Some owners were a little more eccentric and named their houses things like Serenity or Madhouse. Homeowners might come up with names based on nature, like Badger Cottage, Fox Hollow, or Squirrels Leap.
In 1765, each house had to be numbered and the street named for addressing. This allowed postal services and other emergency workers to be able to look up addresses. The numbering began at the number one on each street, and continued consecutively: odd numbers were usually on the left and even numbers on the right heading out from the town center.
However, the tradition did not become redundant so easily, as people continued to name their houses. Even to this date, adding or changing a house name remains one of the most loved customs.
This is the object of the tradition that Sign Shopee embraces today by bringing out attractive house signs. Whether it is a classic nameplate you are looking for or a stylish house number, we create signs to make your home quite worth living in.
Sign Shopee comes in: find the perfect sign for your home to join a tradition that gives every house its own special uniqueness.
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